Happy Anniversary to Me

Can you believe it’s been over a year already? Its seems like was a just a couple of months ago that two suitcases and I boarded a flight for the other coast. I landed in JFK, dropped those two pieces of luggage off at my new home and went straight to BW3 to watch the Seahawks game. I’ve not rented before, but I think that has to be one of the fastest meet-and-greets that has ever happened between landlord and tenant.

The weekend leading up to my anniversary (which was Mon Nov3) allowed me to experience two events that seem unique/quintessential to NYC. Rather fitting, in my humble opinion.

First off was Halloween – while the people of NYC fall completely and utterly flat when it comes to workday costuming, they do their best to make up for it at night. My plans were up in the air until the very end, and while I didn’t end up dressing up and going out (everything starts at like 11p, OMG I’m too old for that as a start time on a Friday night), I enjoyed the time-honored tradition of stoop drinking and handing out candy.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but a co-worker of mine grew up four doors down from where I live. This works to my advantage since every time she comes back to Brooklyn she invites me to participate in her families stoop activities – hence the stoop drinking. A little wine, a little pasta, maybe a snack size peanut butter cup… all while being entertained for 2.5 hours by the hoards of children costumed to the hilt. Apparently my neighborhood is one of the top spots to trick-or-treat: almost everyone gives out candy, one of the neighborhood houses transforms into a haunted house and there is another home that actually has haunted performances every half hour from 5p-11p. It was absolute madness! I have never seen so many trick-or-treaters.

The second event was the NYC Marathon. The marathon route goes directly down the end of my street so I decided to get up and watch. I got there in time to see the wheelchair wave which was so ridiculously moving – I got all choked up and hoped that anyone who noticed just thought my watery eyes were caused by the wind. Then came the Elite Women (who arrived first even though they started after), the Foot Locker Five Borough Challenge, Handcyclists and Athletes with Disabilities, Elite Men, and then the rest of the world… 50K+ runners.

The elite runners are FAST. So fast it was hard to get a picture! The Handcyclists are more amazing that words can properly express, and the Athletes with Disabilities were so incredibly inspiring that you couldn’t help but simultaneously smile in awe while thinking “what am I doing with my life?”

What was most surprising and impactful to me was the sheer number of supporters who came out and lined the entire 26.2 miles of the course. Most, like me, did not know anyone participating in the marathon, they just came to cheer and motivate these runners who have expelled blood, sweat, tears and toenails for this moment. The band from the neighboring high school was out early in the wind and cold to play for the wheelchair participants, keeping up the theme from Rocky for hours on end, the local business coalition had posters printed and were handing them out, kids were waving scarves and giving high-fives to the runners.


The man and his daughter who were standing next to me were veteran supporters. It was early on in the race and I could hear them yelling, “Nice job, Luke! Way to go, Sarah! Looking good, Anne!” I turned to them and said, “Wow, you guys know a lot of people running the marathon.” He chuckled and let me know that he was just reading the names that some of the runners had in big letters across their chests. GENIUS! I joined in and, I have to admit, felt pretty darn good about myself when I’d cheer for someone and they give a peace or wave in return, when they would smile and I’d see a small lift in energy. Might not be a big difference, but it was something to help them along. I was only at mile nine, but the fact that the runners had the same (if not higher) level of support for the WHOLE RACE – mad props, NYC. Well done.

Anyway, the rest of the weekend was filled with friends, food and football (makes me smiles just thinking about that combo) and some last minute I-can’t-hit-my-one-year-anniversary-and-still-look-like-I-just-moved-intomy-apartment updates. Thanks to some motivation from a bestie with some soft-tissue damage, I completed my to-dos at 9:45p on the 3rd. Gallery wall, you are my current nemesis (in an ever-changing and growing list). You did not beat me, nor did I conquer you. Here’s what my place looks like these days – quite a bit different than my two month anniversary. Needless to say, I’m much happier with the current version.


As I move into my second year, I’d like to re-extend invites to come visit! I’m a bit more knowledgeable and would love to test out my abilities as a tour guide.

Love and miss all my peeps back home! Why don’t you all just move here? We’d have such a grand time.


One thought on “Happy Anniversary to Me

  1. Happy NEW YORKERsary! Loved this post and got choked up just reading about the inspiration and love your decor! MISS YOU!!

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