
With Rugrat’s impending graduation this year, and especially this past month, has been full of “lasts.” Last basketball game, last softball game, last prom. It’s sad, because I know that this is the end of an incredibly wonderful time where I have been so blessed to have two nieces who are such an abundant part of my life. So much of my adult life has revolved around this girls, and now they will both be gone! It’s exciting but also sad, because I’m going from seeing my family multiple times per week, to who knows what?

I usually don’t make it down for prom, but this year there was a special requests from Rugrat and her BFF that I be there (mostly to take pics, but whatevs – it was an invitation!), since it was another Last, I was happy to be there.

All of the girls looked amazing, and – not for the first nor the last time I’m sure – I thought of how much times have changed. I mean – check out the dresses! We covered a lot more skin in my day, but now that I don’t “have it” anymore, I kinda wish I would have flaunted it a bit more when I did. 🙂


The last of the Lasts in next weekend, when Rugrat will officially graduate from high school. She’ll be heading off to Denver in August and I could not be happier for her!

I keep reminding myself that this whole set of lasts is leading up to a whole slew of very exciting Firsts. First time watching Rugrat play in a college basketball game, the first time I get to fly somewhere to visit her, the first time that I’ll miss her terribly because I don’t get to see her all of the time, the first time I will hug her soooo tightly when I see her when she comes home for break.

Whoa, I can’t believe this all went by so fast.

2 thoughts on “Lasts

  1. It sounds as though you are experiencing an aunt’s version of the Empty Nest Syndrome. Hang in there!

    • I totally am! And they aren’t even my kids! Thanks for the words of encouragement – most of the time I am super happy about the changes, but every so often the reality of it all stops me in my tracks.

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