Merry Christmas

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas yesterday, if that is something you celebrate. If not, I hope you had a relaxing day off.

I had a great time with my family; they always prove entertaining and it’s also always nice when we can spend a full day together without needing to rush off to a second, third or forth event.

I was behind the 8-ball on nearly everything tis year! The only thing I did on time this year was my Christmas card, and that is because I had an online deal that I thought expired on November 9th… So I rushed and got them done when I actually had until early December. But the photo turned out nicely, I think.


And this year I put up my first real-live Christmas tree in years (a bit later than planned, much like my shopping). When I first moved into my townhouse, I made do with a poinsettia for a few years, then a fake tree for a couple more, then decided last year that it would be worth it to have that pine scent in the house again. So I went to a local nursery and used my $5 off Chinook Book coupon and got a perfectly sized tree for atop my table. I didn’t get past the lights and the balls to the actual ornaments when decorating, but it was pretty and so worth it.


And, I purchased a Belkin Conserve Power Switch from Amazon – I highly recommend it! It made switching the tree on and off a breeze.


Now, if I could just pin down that slogan for 2013…

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